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Songs about Time


Sebastian Zawadzki - Songs about Time


"Songs about Time", album by the Polish pianist and composer Sebastian Zawadzki. The album is a unique blend of classical, ambient and experimental music, and was recorded with prominent artists - strings quartet NeoQuartet, vocal ensemble The Art of Escapism and Sebastian on pianos and synths. The album features a kaleidoscopic array of instrumentations, from string quartet to electronics and different kind of pianos, drawing from the Polish composer’s minimal, serene style to produce a focused, postmodern work.

"There's no past and there's no future. It's being here now that's important. Time is a very misleading thing. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it."

format: digital

release date: March 1, 2020

label: Sebastian Zawadzki Music / Pias Poland

buy: Shop

Streaming links

Spotify: Listen here

Itunes: Listen here

Youtube: Listen here

Deezer: Listen here

Tidal: Listen here

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